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Strategic Plan

The EPA Transformation Strategy is a comprehensive framework designed to tackle longstanding challenges pertaining to natural resource management, environmental health, and climate change resilience in Sierra Leone. At its core, this strategy encompasses a multifaceted approach aimed at addressing a range of pressing issues that have persisted over time and have profound implications for the country's sustainable development trajectory.

One of the primary issues targeted by the EPA Transformation Strategy is the degradation and depletion of natural resources. Sierra Leone faces significant pressures on its forests, water bodies, and biodiversity due to factors such as deforestation, unsustainable land use practices, and inadequate waste management. The strategy seeks to combat these challenges through measures such as promoting sustainable forestry practices, enhancing water resource management, and implementing strategies for waste reduction and recycling. By prioritizing the sustainable management and conservation of natural resources, the strategy aims to safeguard Sierra Leone's ecological integrity and ensure the availability of vital ecosystem services for current and future generations.

Another critical area of focus for the Transformation Strategy is environmental health and safety. Sierra Leone grapples with various environmental health hazards, including air and water pollution, exposure to hazardous chemicals, and inadequate sanitation infrastructure. These factors pose significant risks to public health and exacerbate social inequalities, particularly in vulnerable communities. To address these challenges, the strategy emphasizes initiatives such as improving air and water quality monitoring, strengthening regulations on hazardous substances, and enhancing sanitation infrastructure in underserved areas. By prioritizing environmental health and safety, the strategy aims to protect human well-being and promote equitable access to clean and safe environments for all Sierra Leoneans.

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