Procurement Number: EPA-SL/CCS/UNEP/RFP/2024/0017

Date of First Issue: 14th OCTOBER, 2024


The Government of Sierra Leone through the Environment Protection Agency with the support of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) acting as the Implementing Agency (IA) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) enabling activity is preparing the first Biennial Transparency Report) as a part of the activities which enables the Government of Sierra Leone to meet its reporting commitments under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

Sierra Leone has prepared three National Communications and one Biennial Update Report to the UNFCCC funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) with UNEP support and has submitted them to the CoP of the UNFCCC as required by Article 12 of the Convention. The BTR projects will provide new national reports that include a national inventory of GHG emissions by sources and removals by sinks as well as reporting on climate change mitigation programs and strategies and their effects and progress towards Sierra Leone National Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris agreement.

One of the components of the   BTR is a national inventory report. A detailed description of the national greenhouse gas inventory process, as well as the associated institutional arrangements for doing the work, must also be provided in each report. To meet these requirements, the project seeks a consultant firm/institution for the preparation of a national greenhouse gas inventory report for the Biennial Transparency Report of Sierra Leone.


Under the Paris Agreement, countries   are required to   submit   a   Biennial Transparency Report (BTR), including the NGHGI and its CRTs (Common Reporting Tables). The primary objective of the project is 1) to enable Sierra Leone to prepare and submit its BTR to submit its BTR1 to the CMA of the Paris Agreement. The objective of this task is to prepare a detailed and representative description of the national GHG inventory in the form of a National Inventory Report (NIR).  and the Common Reporting Tables (CRT) as per the Paris Agreement relevant decisions. The presentation of the NIR under the BTR will be consistent with the Paris Agreement, particularly Article 13, and all relevant CMA decisions on modalities, procedures, and guidelines (MPGs). Reporting must follow the Modalities,             Procedures   and   Guidelines   (MPGs)             (decision 18/CMA.1), and so be based on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines. Decision   5/CMA.3   mandates   countries to use CRTs to present the results of their GHG estimates.

This assignment also aims to assess the previous GHG inventories and perform recalculations if needed. These tasks further have objectives to develop the technical capacity of experts working on GHG inventory data collection, analysis, and reporting. The GHG inventory should include the following major sectors identified by the 2006 IPCC GHG inventory guidelines:

  1. Energy
  2. Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU)
  • Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) and
  1. Waste

This assignment aims to calculate and estimate the emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHG for the period of 1996 to 2022.

Specific Tasks:

Specific tasks to be carried out by the consultant for the following major sectors identified by the 2006 IPCCC GHG inventory guidelines:

  1. Energy
  2. Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU)
  • Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) and
  1. Waste

This assignment aims to calculate and estimate the emissions by sources and removals by sinks of GHG for the period of 1996 to 2022

Academic qualifications:


Minimum master’s degree (or higher) in Environmental Science/Natural Resource Management/Agriculture/Forestry and or given thematic sector and climate change relevant fields.


At least 10 years of experience in climate-related sectors for the Lead consultant. Should also have at least 5 years of experience in GHG inventory and climate change in the corresponding thematic sector.

Language Requirements:

Fluency in written and spoken English. All documents are expected to be produced in English.


The consultant/s, consulting firm, or institution should have the following competencies and experts:

  • Excellent working relationship with government and other organizations, and ability to collect and analyse data and information.
  • Excellent ability to quickly grasp and synthesize inputs from a range of disciplines related to GHG inventory in general, and familiarity with National Communication-related activities in
  • Familiarity with the Biennial Update report, BUR Guidelines, the Biennial Transparency Report, BTR Guidelines, National communication reports, UNFCCC transparency framework,2006 IPCC GHG inventory guidelines, including the 2019 modification, and government priority programs.
  1. Ability to prepare publications, reports, and
  2. Ability to focus on results and respond positively to

Evaluation method and criteria

Technical Criteria weight 70%

Financial Criteria weight 30%,

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 70% of the total technical points (49 points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

1.     Technical Capacity and Related Qualifications Points
1. Minimum master’s degree (or higher) in Environmental Science, Climate Change policy, compilation of GHG inventories, use of GHG tool e.g., IPCC software Use of IPCC 2006 GHG inventory Guidelines \2019 Refinement for the given thematic sector i.e., Energy, IPPU, AFOLU and Waste sectors and climate change relevant fields.

(Preference shall be given to the higher degree in the relevant subject)

2. Research experience in climate change policies and understanding of the IPCC GHG inventory methods, for IPCC sectors Energy, IPPU, AFOLU and Waste sectors. Attach summary of articles or provide links) 15
3. Understanding the technical skills related to GHG inventory compilation for the i Energy, IPPU, AFOLU and Waste sectors using the IPCC  2006 Guidelines and IPCC software tool\ other GHG tools 15
4. A good command of English and, experience in preparing technical reports on environment and climate change (proof of 3 reports produced and used as a reference by a national or international organization) 15
5. Strong knowledge of or experience with bilateral and/or multilateral negotiations; and ability and interest in keeping abreast of new developments related to the UNFCCC negotiations and Climate Change Adaptation and mitigation. 15
Work plan 5
Financial proposal 30
Total Possible Points 100


Financial Proposal:

Financial proposal that indicates all-inclusive fixed total contract price supported by a breakdown of costs (including professional fee, and specified other costs if applicable, but excluding travel costs and DSA).

The international consultant/firm is requested to prepare and submit their technical and financial proposal to be submitted to the address not later than 12th November at (1:00 Pm).

Note: The consultant/firm shall be ranked and the first ranked on the list shall be selected for the proposed assignment given that, their fee rates are within the budget.  The selection process will be based on the Least Cost Selection

Service Required: The Environment Protection Agency SL is soliciting the services of an international Consulting expert /firm to Prepare the National GHG Inventory Report for initial BTR of Sierra Leone. The Agency has secured fund from UNEP and is therefore inviting International consultants who can provide a statement of capability and experience indicating that they are qualified to perform the service (description of similar assignment, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.) to submit Technical and financial proposals for the assignment. The Technical Proposals will be publicly opened on [12th November, 2024] at [1:00 pm], in the presence of the bidders’ designated representatives and anyone who chooses to attend, at the address below.

This advertisement is open to all individual Consultants /firms internationally. 

Kindly submit the following documents;

  • Technical proposal
  • Financial Proposal, that indicates all-inclusive fixed total contract price supported by a breakdown of costs (inclusive professional fee and specify other costs if applicable. But excluding travel costs and DSA.
  • A Cover Letter
  • Personal CV indicating educational background/professional qualifications. contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references;
  • Individual / firm Profile
  • Samples of previous work/ experience from similar project.

Duration of work:

The assignment is expected to be undertaken within 12 weeks from the date of signing the contract.

Duty Station: Home Base

Interested consultant may obtain further information and collect the terms of reference (TOR) at the address below between [9am to 4pm Mondays to Fridays] or send an email to the below email address.

Technical and Financial proposals must be delivered either by hand or mail to the address below on or before [12th November, 2024] at [1:00 pm],

Proposals along with relevant documents must be submitted in sealed envelope boldly marked: Preparation of National GHG Inventory Report for initial BTR of Sierra Leone’’ at the address below.  Late proposal will be rejected and returned unopened. In addition to the original of the proposals, the number of copies required is 2.


Bids must be delivered to the address below or by email to and copied to no later than 12th November,2024.

Executive Chairperson

Environment Protection Agency-SL;

2nd Floor

38 Freetown Road, Wilberforce Village


Click here to download the TOR



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